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About This Site was conceived by an individual to share s/he spiritual unfolding with family and friends. It is not meant to be psychological or spiritual consulting. It presents the unfolding of Grace. Our relationship with Grace is a personal experience that each individual works out for themselves. We must be careful not to distort our experience (relationship) with neurotic or narcissistic fantasies. If a spiritual crisis emerges we should seek help. Grace manifests within and without and help can sometimes come from a spiritual adviser or mental health professional.The practice of Meditation is encourage. There are many different forms of Meditation. The form shared here is not proprietary nor is it the only form that will lead to the unfolding of Grace. It is shared with the hope that it will encourage myself and others to seek a relationship with Grace.


 © 2016-2023 all rights reserved
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In Loving Memory of       Rosemary " Raz "  Ryan James      1953 - 2014 and beyond